How Long Does It Take To Start Making Money Blogging?

So you want to start becoming a blogger? And make money? Let me first let you know if you don’t know all ready, that it is a long term wealth generation strategy. No getting rich quick over here!

For me it took exactly 85 days or just over 12 weeks until I made my first ever bit of money with my blog.

You need to first get the idea of ‘fast cash’ out of your idea of blogging if you want to be successful long term and have a income stream that provides for years and years.

But for this article I am going to share with you my own income experience and when I made my first ever $1 in blogging. How long did it take? It is quiet powerful making your first ever money with the power of a blog as it confirms it is possible.

Can You Really Make Money Blogging?

For the record my blog is now making roughly $1000 each and every month. (Edit : Now making over $4,000 per month). At the time of writing this article I am about 10 months into my journey. And still have a way to go before I reach my goals. But I did start this blog as my second and since I have had some success with blogging I am starting new projects.

So currently with my main blog I make income two ways but from a total of three different sources. If that makes sense. So they are affiliate commissions and ad revenue. My two biggest platforms for affiliate sales comes from Amazon Associates and Avantlink. While my ads earnings come from Ezoic.

Writing this article was a fun exercise for me as I went through all my past income data over the past 10 months or so and it was interesting to see where I first made my first few dollars. So for reference I started my blog around 10th May 2019.

So lets start with Amazon Associates. My first ever earning come in on the 3rd of August 2019 for $1.81. That is 85 days or just over 12 weeks for my first bit of affiliate income to roll in from my blog. Above you can see my Amazon Associates earnings for the month of August 2019.

Then we have Avantlink, which is another place where I make income from affiliate referrals. This is a combination of promoting different online retailers products. My first earnings from Avantlink was on the 7th of October 2019. Which was about 65 days after I made any sales with Amazon. But when I started writing blog articles that specialised in selling affiliate products. I was monetising through Amazon and didn’t utilise Avantlink later on as it took some time to get accepted into affiliate programs with certain brands. My first every sale on Avantlink was $4.85!

To apply for a more premium ad service like Ezoic your website is required to get over 100 visits every day consistently. So by around 22nd of November this is when I was accepted and able to start earning with ads on my site. You could start with ads on your site from the very start of your blogging journey with Google Ads but I wanted to hold out until I built the site out and got traffic there. I personally believe there is no point monetising a blog that is getting almost no traffic for the pennies that Google pays out. So this took 28 weeks from starting my blog until getting accepted with Ezoic where I started to make $1 to $2 everyday with ads and it keeps growing from there. And for my first month with ads on my blog I made $86.90!

How much has my blog made over the last 10 months since it started?

So the bulk of my blogs earnings have come over the 3 to 4 months. It takes around 8 to 10 months for your articles to start ranking in Google and where you will start to see some significant results. The teachers for the blogging course I took, call this first 7 to 8 months the ‘ghost town’ phase. Where you have to expect no one to show up and if you can wait out this time while still producing the right amount and quality blog posts. The grow will come! Well at least from my personal experience it did!

Earnings for the past 2.5 months. Just with Amazon Associates!

But from that first day when I setup my blog and started writing my first words on the 10th of May 2019 until today! The date of writing this article is the 20th of March 2020. That is 10 months and 1 week! My total blog earnings in that time is $2064.71

Ezoic ads earnings since the blog started monetising with ads!

It works out to be quiet a even split with all three income sources; $772.13 avantlink, $637.96 Amazon, $654.62 Ezoic

Okay so now you have a rough understanding as to when you can expect to receive your first ever bit of income from your blog. I must preface this by stating that my results may differ from yours.

I followed an amazing blogging course! That walked me through step by step how to make this income through blogging. It without a doubt saved my so much wasted time! I swear I could have spend years on my own trying to get to where I am at now. But then again maybe not even close.

If you want to chat online with like minded individuals who are also wanting to grow a blog and make income online while they sleep. Bt also have the guidance of two very knowledgeable bloggers who have been making full time income from numerous blogs for over 10 years. Then I highly recommend you at least head over to the Income School Project 24 info page and read up on what other great things they have to offer and see if it is right for you!

There are other ways to make income with a blog that I am yet to take opportunity of. Like creating a product weather that be physical or digital (like a online ebook or course). But when I create my product for my blog this will increase sales.

My blog is daily increasing in traffic and ultimately more income! I am so excited for what the rest of 2020 has in store as I am aiming for some big income goals!

I hope you understand that if you are just starting out as a blogger and are looking to make money online to live the life of your dreams. I am no different then you!

I too was struggling to make money blogging, but now my blog makes $1000 in passive income monthly. What would $1000 do to help you out financially? And that is just the beginning!

I hope this post has inspired you and given you the insight to see that blogging is such a great way to build a long term business that is going to provide for you and your family for years to come, all the best!