How Many Blog Posts Before You Start To See Traffic?

This question can really depend! The term traffic is subjective this could mean 1 visitor or 100,000 visitors.

But I came to the conclusion that 30 blog posts is a significant number before you can start to see a decent increase in your blogs traffic organically. But you should expect to wait for 6 to 8 months after publishing this amount of blog posts before seeing traffic results. I will explain why!

For this I am going to use my other blogs traffic and amount of blog post data and show you how many posts I had live before I noticed any significant amount of traffic starting to come to my blog.

I have heard some bloggers are able to post just one blog post and get traffic. But I don’t buy it, especially organically. There is a barrier to entry just like most things in life that are hard to get. Not everyone can just post one article and become rich with their blog. This seems super uncommon from my perspective!

Blogging is not like YouTube! You can publish a creative YouTube video with a channel that has zero subscribers. And it can pick up traction and get suggested by YouTube algorithm. And get 1,000 of views!

But with Blogging and ‘ranking organically’ on Google, it takes much longer to see results. And it can generally take up to around 8 months for your article to reach its peak in Google search rankings.

Okay so lets use my blogging journey as an example for what you can expect. As long as you do your SEO research diligence and make sure the keywords you are writing blog posts about are searched by people online and are not too competitive were you stand a chance of ranking.

You should expect to have written at least 30 blog posts before seeing any results! This is what I recommend! I started my blogging journey at the start of 2019. But it wasn’t until around May 2019 when i started taking it seriously. This was just after I took the Project 24 blogging course! And after learning step by step how to create a blog and do my keyword analysis/research for the best blog article ideas to rank for.

I published 25 blog posts by May! And as you can see with the 9 articles I already had published when starting in January. I ended May with 403 page views and 159 visitors!

But as you can see with the traffic graph, it still took my blog a few more months before I started to see any significant traffic coming in.

Just so you know. You are going to have to write heaps of blog posts or I guess you could outsource them! But if you are starting a blog I am assuming you are starting it because the topic is something you are passionate about and this is super important.

Here at I want to help those people who want to make a living doing what they love and hopefully you can inspire people in your industry. And having a blog around a topic that you love is going to help you get through. This stage in a blogs life where you “have to” expect almost no traffic for months (sometimes it can take 6 to 8 months) after writing a decent amount of articles. Before you can start seeing significant traffic show up to your blog. Build it and they will come! “Build it” I mean write a heap of helpful blog posts and then wait or just keep writing content!

So anyway back to my blog for the example. Lets see how many more blog posts I wrote for the next few months before I started seeing decent traffic.

First 8 Months Blogging Traffic

MonthBlog Posts
(launched blog)
(started taking
it serious)

Just for your reference, please note that I didn’t take my blog seriously until the 10th of May 2019. I started back in January 2019 but it took me until May to purchase the blogging course and to begin taking directed action to making this a actual income stream.

When I was starting my blog I would say 1,000 page views per month was significant to me. This meant that I was getting some traffic and was the indicator to me that it was so possible to grow this thing it a power of nature!

But during my earlier days of the blog. Say first 2 months since taking the blogging course I really slacked. I would have loved to have written 30 articles in the first month or even in two months for that matter. But as you can see by the end of June (6 months in to blogging) I had 25 articles! I could have started off way better and be further ahead but it was a mistake that I learnt the hard way.

It really was a appalling start guys! If I have any advice to you. It would be to try your very best to produce 30 or more articles as quick as you can and I mean like within the first 2 months!

To my credit if I must say! I was travelling around Europe by bicycle during June/July and had very little down time to write. And also I sucked at writing when I first started the blog. And this resulted in me taking a very long time to write one blog post.

I could go into a whole article on my failures in English class at school. But lets leave that for another day! Ultimately these are all excuses! I was 7 months in and had 32 articles published and I was getting about 400 visitors per month!

But by August 2019 (8 months since starting my blog) I was getting 1,258+ page views per month! This confirmed it for me. It was working.

Now that you see how long it took me to start seeing results with my blogs traffic. I want to show you the nest 6 months of my blog and show you where it is since recently and how much blog posts have been published for these results.

14 Months Of Blogging Traffic (Updated…)

MonthBlog Posts
January 2020817,63510,696
(14 Months Blogging)

During these next 6 months this is when I started to see my blog start making some income! Since taking my blog seriously from May. If you want you can see how long it took me to start making money with my blog here.

So as you can see for 14 months of blogging my blog now has 144 published blog posts, has over 13,000 visitors coming to my blog every month and 21,000 page views. For me this traffic equates to about $1,000 per month.

i hope this blog post has given you some perspective as to the amount of work you can expect to put into a blog before you can start seeing results. Now my results may vary from yours. It took me a while to start writing consistently so you might get better results or you may not.

But for each article I wrote it did vary with the amount of words. I try and write no less then 1,000 words per article some have over 4,000 words per article but I would say most are around that 1,500 average words per blog post.

As long as you focus on delivering value to the people who are coming to your blog and answering their questions. You are destined for success. If you are looking for guidance to now exactly what to do when starting your blog until eventually making a full time income.

I highly recommend the blogging course I took which has helped me get my blog now to $1,000 per month and this continues to grow. And by the end of 2020 I hope to making 5 times or more then that! So exciting, but I wish you all the best in your blogging journey and wish you nothing but success!